Spring 1999 Newsletter

From Your 1999 President ­ Phil Orwick

I want to thank the Society for the opportunity to serve as President for 1999. I look forward to the challenges of the year as the NCWSS heads to the new millennium. The discipline of weed science has certainly seen many changes in this century and will doubtless see many more past 2000. Change is almost always for the better and if we embrace it and accept it we can grow as a discipline and as a Society.

I hope all of you enjoyed the 53rd annual meeting as much as I did. The venue was superb and the weather cooperated nicely! Total attendance was down only slightly from 1997. There were a total of 183 oral presentations and 61 posters. The number of poster presentations has been increasing steadily over the past few years. We also had three symposia on the program this year - Professional Opportunities in Weed Science, Forensic Weed Science, and Herbicide Resistance. Thanks to Sara Allen, Dave Johnson, and Jamie Retzinger, respectively, for organizing and chairing these symposia. For the first time, CCA credits (CEUs) were given for attendance at the latter two symposia. Hopefully this can continue for future symposia. Our featured speaker, Dr. Harold Coble, IPM Coordinator for USDA-ARS, gave an excellent talk on Weed Science Beyond 2000 in keeping with our theme of Focus on the Future. Our thanks to Dr. Coble. We also continued the Member Forum as a part of the general session and from all accounts this was again a success.

The Local Arrangements Committee under the leadership of Duane Rathmann and Zach Fore did an outstanding job with the meeting facilities in St. Paul. Wasn't that ballroom a great venue for the posters and the banquet?! Thanks also to the organizers of the graduate student contests for their hard work and especially to Curtis Thompson, Chair of the Resident Education Committee, who put it all together. I also want to thank Tom Hoverstad and Dave Simpson of the Local Arrangements Committee for handling the logistics of the poster session.

As a result of Board elections, the following are new officers of the Society for 1999: Duane Rathmann is the new Vice President; Bryan Young is the new Editor of the Research Report; and Kent Harrison is the new WSSA Representative. Thanks to Bill Miller who has completed the cycle from Vice President to Past President; Mike Barrett for his years of great service on the Research Report; and Gordon Harvey for his tenure as WSSA Representative.

The committee assignments for 1999 are included in this newsletter. My thanks to all those committee chairs that served the Society in 1998. The committee structure of our Society is the backbone that keeps things running smoothly and gets things done. For 1999, there are several changes that have occurred regarding committee structure. First, we combined the Extension Special Interest Group and the North Central Regional Publications Committee into the Extension Standing Committee. Next, we renamed the Computer Committee as the Electronic Communications Committee to better reflect the changing ways in which we communicate with one another. Finally, the annual meeting did not include a section on Equipment and Application Methods since only one paper was submitted. I have included this section on the 1999 list but I encourage the Chair of the section to solicit papers and members to present papers for this section for the 1999 meeting.

I was quite pleased with the submissions for papers and posters for the 1998 annual meeting. All but three of the presentations were received by the Program Chair via e-mail. Thanks to Doug Buhler for getting this submission method started in 1997. Your new Program Chair for 1999, Jim Kells, and I have discussed ways to make the submission procedure even better and more efficient. I'm sure you'll support Jim's efforts as he readies the 1999 program.

Speaking of Jim Kells, thanks are due him for the new logo that you see adorning this newsletter. Jim and his graphics arts colleagues at Michigan State designed this excellent logo that will serve the Society well as we head into the next millennium. (I'm almost positive that it's a robust white foxtail seeding!)

Inside the Beltway, we have a new Washington Liaison for NCWSS, WSSA, and the other regional societies. Rob Hedberg has accepted this position and will also assume the duties of Director of Science Policy for WSSA. Rob has most recently been Business Manager for Agway in Vermont. Some of you may remember Rob as an AAAS Congressional Fellow with the Senate Agricultural Committee in 1995-1996.

We belong to a strong and vibrant Society. However, we cannot remain as such without the volunteerism of our members. If you are active in NCWSS, please stay that way! If you aren't currently active, please consider participating in some way. Remember, we're always looking for ways to make the Society better serve its members. Please don't hesitate to let one of the officers know if you have a concern or a better idea.

I hope your 1999 is a good one and I look forward to seeing you this December 14-16 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus, OH for the 54th annual meeting of the NCWSS.

(By the way, I've had several inquiries about the whereabouts of The Chair. No need to worry. It's safe and sound here in Carmel, IN. It needs a little TLC and some new lettering but I think there's a good chance that an up-to-date Chair, complete with jimsonweed capsule, will make an appearance at the banquet in Columbus.)

Program Taking Shape for 1999 Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH

Plans are well underway for the 1999 NCWSS Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH. The theme of the meeting will be "Weed Science in Transition". The general session will include keynote speakers who will address the impacts of new technologies on weed science in the public and private sectors. We are also planning three exciting symposia which relate to the theme of the meeting.

The symposia topics are: 1) Forensic Weed Science, chaired by Dave Johnson; 2) Biology and Management of Weed Seed Banks, chaired by Frank Forcella; and 3) Impacts of Biotechnology on Weed Science, chaired by Tom Peters. The Program Committee looks forward to your participation in the meeting with a volunteered paper or poster. See you in Columbus!

Jim Kells
1999 Program Chair

Resolutions of the NCWSS

RESOLUTION ON: Local Arrangement Committee for the 53rd Annual Meeting.

WHEREAS the North Central Weed Science Society relies upon the effort and diligence of the Local Arrangements Committee for arranging suitable facilities for the annual meeting; and

WHEREAS a well-organized Local Arrangements Committee is crucial to the conduct of a successful annual meeting; and

WHEREAS Chairpersons Zack Fore and Duane Rathmann and the other members of the Local Arrangements Committee have fulfilled all their responsibilities in an exemplary manner;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the North Central Weed Science Society in session at St. Paul, MN, December 7 - 10, 1998 for the 53rd Annual Meeting commends Zack Fore and Duane Rathmann and the Local Arrangements Committee for their outstanding efforts in providing the Society with the excellent meeting facilities and arrangements.


RESOLUTION ON: The North Central Collegiate Weed Science Contest.

WHEREAS the North Central Collegiate Weed Science Contest requires adequate facilities in order to conduct the contest in an orderly and educational manner; and

WHEREAS the facilities at the Valent Midwest Research Center in Champaign, IL provided an excellent contest environment; and

WHEREAS the Summer Contest Host and staff of the Valent Research Center in Champaign, IL met the needs of the Society and had the dedication for a successful North Central Collegiate Weed Science Contest;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the North Central Weed Science Society in session at St. Paul, MN, December 7 - 10, 1998 for the 53rd Annual Meeting commends Ronald Jones and the staff of the Valent Midwest Research Center for their outstanding efforts and hard work in providing the Society with an excellent facility and a well run and educational Weed Science Contest.


RESOLUTION ON: Graduate Student Paper and Poster Contest Judges for the 53rd Annual Meeting.

WHEREAS the North Central Weed Science Society relies on the voluntary contribution of time, effort and expertise of its member selected to judge the Graduate Student Paper and Poster Contests; and

WHEREAS the judges selected for the Graduate Student Paper and Poster Contest for the 53rd Annual Meeting fulfilled their obligations and responsibilities with dedication and commitment;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the North Central Weed Science Society in session at St. Paul, MN, December 7 - 10, 1998 for the 53rd Annual Meeting commends the judges of the Graduate Student Paper and Poster Contest for their inputs of time, effort, and cooperation in providing the Society with will run, successful contests at this Annual Meeting.


RESOLUTION ON: The Hotel Meeting Facilities for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the North Central Weed Science Society.

WHEREAS the North Central Weed Science requires adequate facilities and lodging in order to conduct the business and program of the Society at the annual meeting; and

WHEREAS the meeting rooms and facilities of the Radisson Hotel of St. Paul, MN provided an excellent and spacious meeting environment; and

WHEREAS the staff and management of the Radisson Hotel of St. Paul, MN were helpful and cooperative in fulfilling the needs of the Society for a successful annual meeting;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the North Central Weed Science Society in session at St. Paul, MN, December 7 - 10, 1998 for the 53rd Annual Meeting commends the Radisson Hotel, its staff and management for their outstanding efforts in providing the Society with excellent meeting facilities and arrangements.

Duane Rathmann Elected as Vice President

Duane has been a member of the NCWSS since completing his weed science graduate work at North Dakota State University in 1980. He has presented many papers at NCWSS meetings, served on several committees, and most recently served as co-chairman of local arrangements for the recent meeting held in St. Paul.

He worked in the Field Research and Development group for Rohm and Haas company from 1980 to 1989 based in Ames, IA. Since 1989, he has worked for American Cyanamid as the Pursuit technical specialist in Princeton, NJ, and presently in the field development group at Waseca, MN.

NCWSS 1999 Officers: Front Row (l to r) Chris Boerboom, Secretary-Treasurer; Jim Kells, President Elect; Phil Orwick, President; Duane Rathmann, Vice President; Doug Buhler, Past President; Back Row (l to r) Tom Peters, CAST representative; Kent Harrison, WSSA representative; Merrill Ross, Proceedings editor; Michael Horak, Newsletter editor; Bob Schmidt, Executive Secretary; Not present Carole Lembi, Proceedings editor.

New Washington Liaison Named

Rob Hedberg was appointed as Director of Science Policy for the Weed Science Society of America in February and will return to Washington where he previously worked on the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee as a Congressional Science Fellow from 1995 to 1996. This fellowship was sponsored cooperatively by nine national and regional societies specializing in weed science, crop science and soil science. Between 1996 and 1999 Mr. Hedberg was Agronomic Business Manager for the North Country Enterprise of Agway, Inc., a leading regional farm input cooperative. Prior to his fellowship Mr. Hedberg had also worked for Agway as Manager of Crop Protection Research and Applied Technology. In addition Mr. Hedberg has nearly ten years experience working closely with producers as a regional Agronomy Agent for the University of Vermont Extension Service and as owner of a consulting practice which specialized in crop management recommendations, field research and assessment of new production technologies.

Mr. Hedberg's educational experience includes a Bachelor's degree in Crop and Soil Science from Michigan State University, a Master's degree in Plant Science from the University of New Hampshire and a Certificate of Special Studies in Administration and Management from Harvard University.

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