2003 Proceedings of the
North Central Weed Science Society

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 Forages and Range

 Susceptibility of Naturalized Sericea Lespedeza in the Kansas Flint Hills to Infection by the Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Shannon L. Jordan*, Timothy C. Todd, and Walter H. Fick. (27)

 Dicot Control in Cool-Season Grass Pastures.  William W. Witt. (120)

 Commercial Field Comparisons Using Imazamox to Establish and Improve Alfalfa Stands.  Paul Vassalotti*, Dennis Belcher, Mark Storr, Ken Deibert, and Duane Rathmann. (121)

 Quackgrass Conversion to Native Warm Season Grasses. Thomas G. Barnes* and Brian Washburn. (122)

 Use of Herbicides to Restore Native Grasslands. Thomas G. Barnes* and Marvin S. Ruffner. (123)

 Cimarron Max: Weed Control in Rangeland and Improved Pastures.  Eric P. Castner, Robert N. Rupp, Chris M. Mayo*, Gil E. Cook, James D. Harbour, Michael T. Edwards, and Bill C. Kral. (124)

 Chemical Control of Sericea Lespedeza in Nebraska.  Robert A .Masters. (125)

 Impact of Stage of Growth and Weather on Sericea Lespedeza Control Using Herbicides.Walter H. Fick. (126)

NCWSS Proceedings, Volume 58
© 2003, North Central Weed Science Society, Inc.