Weed control with POST applied [nicosulfuron & rimsulfuron] tank mixes in corn at Lamberton, MN in 2003. | page 121 |
Objective: |
The objective of this study was to evaluate [nicosulfuron & rimsulfuron] tank mixed with either s-metolachlor + mesotrione + atrazine or s-metolachlor + mesotrione for annual grass and annual broadleaf weed control in corn. |
Crop: | ||
corn, field | Zea mays | Northrup King N32L9 |
Weeds: | ||
AMATU | Amaranthus tuberculatus | waterhemp, tall |
CHEAL | Chenopodium album | lambsquarters, common |
SETLU | Setaria glauca | foxtail, yellow |
Herbicides: | |
atrazine | Aatrex |
atrazine&mesotrione&s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Lumax |
atrazine&s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Cinch ATZ |
mesotrione | Callisto |
mesotrione&s-metolachlor&atrazine&CGA-154281 | Lumax |
mesotrione&s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Camix |
nicosulfuron&rimsulfuron | Steadfast |
rimsulfuron&nicosulfuron | Steadfast |
s-metolachlor&atrazine&CGA-154281 | Cinch ATZ |
s-metolachlor&atrazine&mesotrione&CGA-154281 | Lumax |
s-metolachlor&mesotrione&CGA-154281 | Camix |