Winter annual weed control with fall and spring applied herbicides. | page 203 |
Objective: |
A field study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of herbicide programs in no-tillage systems. |
Crop: | ||
none |
Weeds: | ||
CAPBP | Capsella bursa-pastoris | shepherds purse |
DESPI | Descurainia pinnata | mustard, tansy |
LAMAM | Lamium amplexicaule | henbit |
Herbicides: | |
2,4-D ester | 2,4-D LV 6 |
atrazine | Aatrex |
chlorimuron | Classic |
dicamba | Clarity |
flumetsulam | Python |
flumioxazin | Valor |
glyphosate | Roundup UltraMax |
glyphosate | Roundup Original |
imazaquin | Scepter |
metribuzin | Sencor |
rimsulfuron&thifensulfuron | Basis |
sulfentrazone | Authority |
thifensulfuron | Harmony GT |
thifensulfuron&rimsulfuron | Basis |
tribenuron | Express |