Winter annual weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn. | page 208 |
Objective: |
To determine performance of various strategies for control of winter annual weeds and summer annual weeds in a glyphosate-resistant no-till corn system. |
Crop: | ||
corn, field | Zea mays | DeKalb 60-17RR |
Weeds: | ||
ALLVI | Allium vineale | garlic, wild |
AMATA | Amaranthus rudis | waterhemp, common |
AMBEL | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | ragweed, common |
AMBTR | Ambrosia trifida | ragweed, giant |
LAMAM | Lamium amplexicaule | henbit |
SETFA | Setaria faberi | foxtail, giant |
STEME | Stellaria media | chickweed, common |
XANST | Xanthium strumarium | cocklebur, common |
Herbicides: | |
atrazine | Aatrex |
atrazine&s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Bicep II Magnum |
chlorimuron&sulfentrazone | Canopy XL |
glyphosate | Roundup WeatherMax |
simazine | Princep |
s-metolachlor&atrazine&CGA-154281 | Bicep II Magnum |
sulfentrazone&chlorimuron | Canopy XL |