KIH-485 in corn. | page 61 |
Objective: |
Experiments were conducted to evaluate corn response and weed control of an experimental soil applied herbicide and to compare activity with other soil-applied herbicides and herbicide combinations. |
Crop: | ||
corn, field | Zea mays | Croplan 184 RR |
corn, field | Zea mays | DeKalb 32-59 |
Weeds: | ||
AMABL | Amaranthus blitoides | pigweed, prostrate |
AMARE | Amaranthus retroflexus | pigweed, redroot |
AMASS | Amaranthus sp. | pigweed, species |
CHEAL | Chenopodium album | lambsquarters, common |
KCHSC | Kochia scoparia | kochia |
POLCO | Polygonum convolvulus | buckwheat, wild |
SETLU | Setaria glauca | foxtail, yellow |
SETSS | Setaria species | foxtail, species |
SINAR | Brassica kaber | mustard, wild |
SOLPT | Solanum ptycanthum | nightshade, eastern black |
XANST | Xanthium strumarium | cocklebur, common |
Herbicides: | |
acetochlor&dichlormid | Surpass |
atrazine | Aatrex |
atrazine&mesotrione&s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Lumax |
atrazine&s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Bicep Lite II Magnum |
dicamba&diflufenzopyr | Distinct |
diflufenzopyr&dicamba | Distinct |
dimethenamid-P | Outlook |
KIH-485 | |
mesotrione | Callisto |
mesotrione&s-metolachlor&atrazine&CGA-154281 | Lumax |
s-metolachlor&atrazine&CGA-154281 | Bicep Lite II Magnum |
s-metolachlor&atrazine&mesotrione&CGA-154281 | Lumax |
s-metolachlor&CGA-154281 | Dual II Magnum |