Forage and Rangeland

Eastern Redcedar Control in Pasture. Knezevic, Z. S., A. Kantrovich, and B.Masters. (33)

Quackgrass interactions and effects on forage species.  Traci L. Bultemeier, David J. Barker, R. Mark Sulc, S. Kent Harrison, and Emilie Regnier. (199)

Weed Management in Glyphosate Resistant Alfalfa: Three Years of Observations. Jerry D. Doll, Sharie Fitzpatrick, and Daniel J. Undersander. (200)

Weed Control and Glyphosate Tolerant Alfalfa Response to Glyphosate Rate and Application Timing.  Stephen D. Miller and Craig M. Alford. (201)

Impact of Consecutive Year Applications of Imazapic on Western Prairie Fringed Orchid, a Threatened Species, in Rangeland and Pastures.  Kenneth L. Carlson, Scott Wessel, Gerry Steinauer, and Jeremy Lubke. (202)

Herbicide Effects on Sericea Lespedeza Seed Viability and Control. Walter H. Fick and Rodney A. Kunard. (203)

Broadleaf Weed Control with BAS 662H and Tank Mixtures with BAS 662H in Rangeland, Pasture, and Noncropland Sites.  Dan D. Beran, Joseph G. Vollmer, and C. Todd Horton. (204)

New Rangeland and Pasture Herbicide Product Concepts.  Robert A. Masters and Jeff A. Nelson. (205)

NCWSS Proceedings, Volume 57
� 2002 North Central Weed Science Society, Inc.