2003 Proceedings of the
North Central Weed Science Society

                 Sections                 Symposia              Indices  

This web site contains the abstracts of papers presented at the 2003 North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting.  Abstracts can be accessed either by title in the Sections  menu above (i.e. Corn and Sorghum;  Weed Biology and Ecology) or by paper number in the Indices menu.  Titles without links did not have an abstract submitted.

Abstracts on this web site require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader software. 

Abstracts on this web site can be cited using the following format:
Author.  2003.  Title.  North Central Weed Sci. Soc. Abstr.  58.  [CD-ROM Computer File].  North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Champaign, IL. (Dec. 2003).1 

Robert G Hartzler, Proceedings Editor
Karin E. Jones, Technical Editor.

1Publications Handbook and Style Manual.  1998.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 677 S. Segoe Rd.  Madison, WI.

NCWSS Proceedings, Volume 58
© 2003, North Central Weed Science Society, Inc.