Table of contents, NCWSS Research Reports-V.61 2004

other indexes:
  • Table of contents. (this page)
  • Index of authors.
  • Index of crops by common name.
  • Index of weeds by common name.
  • Index of weeds by botanical name.
  • Index of weeds by 5 letter codes.

    Weed Control in Horticultural Crops
    Sweet corn herbicide weed management trial at Waseca, MN - 2004. 1
    Crop response from corn herbicides on two sweet corn varieties. 8
    Crop response from corn herbicides on popcorn and field corn. 11
    Weed Control in Pastures and Forages
    Spring-applied treatments in pasture. Bedford, IN, 2004. 13

    Weed Control in Small Grains
    Weed control in sorghum. 15
    Hard red spring wheat and barley tolerance to postemergence herbicides at Rosemount, MN - 2004 18
    Hard red spring wheat and barley tolerance to postemergence herbicides at Crookston, MN - 2004 24
    Potential for crop injury in spring wheat when tank mixing certain fungicides with common herbicides at Crookston, MN. 28

    Weed Control in Specialty Crops
    Dry edible bean desiccation. 30
    Dry bean tolerance to sulfentrazone. 31
    Tribenuron formulations and weed control. 33
    Crop response to KIH-485 carryover. 34
    Cut surface (top) and basal application of herbicides on high black walnut stumps. 35

    Weed Control in Corn
    Evaluate weed management systems in field corn in Rochester, MN in 2004. 37
    Comparison of single-pass and two-pass sequential management systems for weed control in field corn at Rochester, MN in 2004. 39
    Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN common cocklebur site in 2004. 41
    Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN tall waterhemp site in 2004. 43
    Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN giant ragweed site in 2004. 45
    Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN common ragweed site in 2004. 47
    Preemergence applied prepackaged and tank-mixture herbicides in corn, Nashua, IA, 2004 49
    Evaluation of preemergence weed control programs in corn. 52
    Preemergence weed control in corn. Wanatah, IN, 2004. 54
    Evaluation of conventional weed control programs in corn. 56
    Reducing adverse impacts of corn pests with conventional management practices and transgenic corn hybrids. 59
    Evaluation of glyphosate programs in corn. 63
    Comparison of glyphosate programs in field corn at Rochester, MN in 2004. 67
    Weed control systems in glyphosate resistant corn, Brownstown, Illinois, 2004. 69
    Weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn. 71
    Evaluation of soil herbicides in glyphosate-resistant corn. 74
    Postemergence application timing in glyphosate-resistant corn. 77
    The effect of rate and timing of glyphosate on conventional corn, Urbana, Illinois, 2004. 79
    Glyphosate-resistant volunteer soybean control. 80
    Performance of glyphosate products when applied under adverse weather conditions in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 81
    Evaluation of weed control with KIH-485. 83
    Evaluation of shattercane control with KIH-485. 85
    Preemergence applied KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for weed control in corn, Nashua, IA, 2004. 86
    KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for woolly cupgrass control in corn, Ogden, IA, 2004. 88
    Preemergence applied KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for weed control in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. 90
    KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for shattercane control in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. 92
    Evaluation of the performance of KIH-485 for weed control in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 94
    Evaluation of the performance of KIH-485 for weed control in field corn at Rochetser, MN in 2004. 96
    KIH-485 preemergence weed control in field corn at Dekalb, Illinois. 98
    KIH-485 preemergence weed control in field corn at Perry, Illinois. 100
    Isoxaflutole and flufenacet & isoxaflutole for weed control in corn. 102
    Preemergence efficacy of KIH-485 on giant foxtail in field corn. 104
    Evaluation of foramsulfuron tank mixes in corn. 107
    Evaluation of foramsulfuron plus iodosulfuron tank mixes in corn. 109
    Comparison of the performance of foramsulfuron and foramsulfuron&iodosulfuron alone and in combination with other herbicides for weed control in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 112
    Comparison of glufosinate programs in field corn in Rochester, MN in 2004. 114
    Weed control systems with atrazine premixes in corn. Urbana, Illinois, 2004. 116
    Evaluation of s-metolachlor & atrazine & mesotrione in corn. 120
    Weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn with metolachlor and metolachlor & atrazine. 122
    Weed control in corn with metolachlor & atrazine and tank mixtures. 124

    Weed Control in Soybean
    Evaluation of conventional weed control programs in soybeans. 126
    Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN giant ragweed site in 2004. 128
    Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN common ragweed site in 2004. 130
    Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN common cocklebur site in 2004. 132
    Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN tall waterhemp site in 2004. 134
    Preemergence applied alachlor, pendimethalin, flumioxazin, chlorimuron & sulfentrazone, and cloransulam followed by postemergence glyphosate applications in soybean, Ames, IA, 2004. 136
    Evaluation of glyphosate programs in soybeans. 139
    Comparison of sequential two-pass and single-pass herbicide systems with glyphosate and conventional herbicide programs for weed control in soybean at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 142
    Evaluation of herbicide combinations for weed control in soybean at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 144
    The effect of variety, planting date, and weed height on weed control and grain yield of glyphosate resistant soybeans. 146
    Interaction of soybean fungicides and insecticides with glyphosate. 152
    Comparison of pendimethalin programs and glyphosate products for weed control in soybean at Rochester, MN in 2004. 154
    Evaluation of volunteer glyphosate resistant corn control in glyphosate resistant soybeans. 157
    Control of volunteer glyphosate resistant corn in glyphosate resistant soybean. 159
    Common lambsquarters control in soybeans with various glyphosate formulations. 161
    Comparison of V-10137 with other graminicides in soybean. 163
    Evaluation of the performance of clethodim formulations for woolly cupgrass control in soybean at Rochester, MN in 2004. 165
    Evaluation of clethodim formulations in combination with thifensulfuron for wild proso millet and common lambsquarters control in soybean at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 166

    Weed Control in Reduced Tillage Corn
    Weed control in no-till corn. 168
    Two pass systems including applications of early preplant and preemergence followed by postemergence for weed control in no-tillage corn production, Ames, IA, 2004. 171
    Winter annual weed control with fall and spring applied herbicides. 176
    Winter annual weed control in glyphosate resistant corn. 178
    Carfentrazone and glyphosate applied postemergence for weed control in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. 181
    Preemergence s-metolachlor & benoxacor, MANA-282, MANA-283, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor applied alone and followed by postemergence applications of glyphosate in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. 183
    Spring treatments for dandelion control in corn. Woodburn, IN, 2004. 186
    Fall and spring treatments for dandelion control in corn. Woodburn, IN, 2003-2004. 188
    Glyphosate-resistant horseweed control in corn with late postemergence treatments. Butlerville, IN, 2004. 190

    Weed Control in Reduced Tillage Soybean
    Weed control in no-till soybeans. 192
    Fall applied soybean trial. 195
    Postemergence tank-mixture applications of lactofen plus glyphosate in soybean, Ames, IA, 2004. 200
    Influence of application timing for star-of-Bethlehem control. 202
    Glyphosate-resistant horseweed control in soybean with late postemergence treatments. Butlerville, IN, 2004. 204
    Fall and spring treatments for dandelion control in soybean. Woodburn, IN, 2003-2004. 206
    Spring treatments for dandelion control in soybean. Woodburn, IN, 2004. 208
    Dandelion control timing study with glyphosate and 2,4-D. Woodburn, IN, 2003-2004. 210
    Burndown evaluation of white campion in no-till soybeans. 212

    Herbicide Application Methods and Adjuvants
    Adjuvants rate based on spray volume and area of coverage. 214
    Evaluation of manganese (Mn) rate on glyphosate antagonism. 215
    Evaluation of weed control with manganese (Mn) fertilizer products plus glyphosate in soybean. 217
    Evaluation of spray adjuvants and deposition aids on glyphosate performance in field corn at Rochester, MN in 2004. 219
    Effect of glyphosate rate, timing, and micro-nutrient addititve on common lambsquarters. 221
    Performance of nicosulfuron&rimsulfuron plus mesotrione tank mixed with different additives for weed control in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. 223

    other indexes:
  • Table of contents. (this page)
  • Index of authors.
  • Index of crops by common name.
  • Index of weeds by common name.
  • Index of weeds by botanical name.
  • Index of weeds by 5 letter codes.
  • Index of herbicides.

    2004 NCWSS Research Report-V.61