Sustaining Members
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Why be a NCWSS Sustaining Member?
- Regardless of membership level, your organization will receive ONE registration to be used by anyone individual in your organization. This registration can significantly offset the cost of a Bronze membership. (Registration will be used for the person paying the dues unless we are otherwise notified.)
- This contribution provides critical support for society functions, such as the Summer Weeds Contest and the Society Social and the participation of grad students in our Industry Breakfast program. These functions could not happen without the sustaining membership contributions.
- If you pay by November 1, Your organization and your level of contribution (bronze, silver, gold) will be recognized by the society for the contributions on display boards, in the program, and during the opening presentations to the whole society.
- Your organization will have the opportunity to present at the “What’s New in Industry” Session if you choose to do so.
Annual Contribution $3,500+
Sponsorship Benefits
- Complimentary registration for the official representative at the annual NCWSS meeting
- A sustaining membership display table/space throughout the meeting
- Recognition of the company as a GOLD sponsor at the NCWSS Annual Meeting, invitation to the “What’s New in Industry” session, and acknowledgment of support in most publications
Annual Contribution $1,750
Sponsorship Benefits
- Complimentary registration for the official representative at the annual NCWSS meeting.
- A sustaining membership display table/space throughout the meeting.
- Recognition of the company as a SILVER sponsor at the NCWSS Annual Meeting, invitation to the “What’s New in Industry” session, and acknowledgment of support in most publications
Annual Contribution $600
Sponsorship Benefits
- Complimentary registration for the official representative at the annual NCWSS meeting.
- A sustaining membership display table/space throughout the meeting.
- Recognition of the company as a BRONZE sponsor at the NCWSS Annual Meeting, invitation to the “What’s New in Industry” session, and acknowledgment of support in most publications.
The payment options/details are as follows:
- Checks: payable to NCWSS and sent to Kelley Mazur, NCWSS Executive Secretary, 12110 N. Pecos St., Ste. 220, Westminster, CO 80234 (Deadline of November 1 if you wish to be listed in the program)
- Credit Card: contact Kelley Mazur ([email protected] or 303-327-8016) and she can assist you.
For those that become NCWSS Sustaining members, You will be contacted this fall regarding with details on the “What’s New in Industry” session. Note, this session is only open to organizations that have paid for Sustaining Membership.
Thank You to our Sustaining Members!
- ABG Ag Services
- AMVAC Chemical Corp.
- BASF Corporation
- Bayer CropScience
- Belchim Crop Protection
- Bellspray dba R&D Sprayers
- Blue River Technology, Inc.
- Chemorse, Ltd.
- Clariant Chemical Corporation
- Corteva
- Greenleaf Technologies
- Gylling Data Management Inc.
- Helena Chemical Company
- KayJay Ag Services, Inc.
- Lamberti
- Midwest Research, Inc.
- Pentair Hypro
- Syngenta Crop Protection
- TeeJet Technologies
- United Phosphorus, Inc.
- Valent USA Corporation
- Warnke Research Services
- Winfield Solutions, LLC