Annual Meeting
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Should you have any questions, please contact Mark Bernards, Program Chair.
Information for Authors
Titles: Capitalize the first letter of all major words in the title and end the title with a period. Include both the common and scientific names of weeds and uncommon crop plants in the title (authorship of plants is not necessary), but only the common names of herbicides and well-known crop plants. Do not include quotation marks. Maximum 350 characters
Authors: In the submission process you will be asked to verify that you have co-author consent, and they will be notified by email of any submission with their name. For each co-author you will need to have 1) a valid email address, 2) First & Last name, 3) Institution (employer), 4) City, Country and State of Institution.
Abstracts: All papers and posters presented at the annual meeting should be accompanied by an abstract. Abstracts published in the Proceedings serve as a public record of the meeting and are a future reference for the weed science community. Below are simple guidelines we are requesting that authors follow when submitting abstracts to provide a quality Proceedings for our meeting.
- Limit abstract length to 500 words.
- Report all units consistently. SI units (metric) are preferred (and required for papers in the student contest), but nonmetric (English or Imperial) units will accepted.
- Use exponents to express units of measure, e.g. kg ha-1.
- Do not include references to literature in the abstract.
- At first mention for each species, use complete scientific names with abbreviated authority, e.g. henbit (Lamium amplexicaule L.)
- For herbicides, other pesticides, and adjuvants avoid trade names when possible and use common names, e.g. glyphosate.
- If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the NCWSS Proceedings Editor, Karla Gage ([email protected]).
Paper Presentation Format: All papers will be presented in PowerPoint format through a projector and must be uploaded to the Submission website by December 2. Presentations are approximately 12 minutes long followed by one to two minutes for questions or comments to fit a 15-minute schedule.
Poster Presentation Format: Posters will be set up on Monday, December 12 and will be available for viewing Tuesday and Wednesday. Maximum poster size should be 42 inches tall by 46 inches wide.