Weed Control in Horticultural Crops | |
Sweet corn herbicide weed management trial at Waseca, MN - 2004. | 1 |
Crop response from corn herbicides on two sweet corn varieties. | 8 |
Crop response from corn herbicides on popcorn and field corn. | 11 |
Weed Control in Pastures and Forages | |
Spring-applied treatments in pasture. Bedford, IN, 2004. | 13 |
Weed Control in Small Grains | |
Weed control in sorghum. | 15 |
Hard red spring wheat and barley tolerance to postemergence herbicides at Rosemount, MN - 2004 | 18 |
Hard red spring wheat and barley tolerance to postemergence herbicides at Crookston, MN - 2004 | 24 |
Potential for crop injury in spring wheat when tank mixing certain fungicides with common herbicides at Crookston, MN. | 28 |
Weed Control in Specialty Crops | |
Dry edible bean desiccation. | 30 |
Dry bean tolerance to sulfentrazone. | 31 |
Tribenuron formulations and weed control. | 33 |
Crop response to KIH-485 carryover. | 34 |
Cut surface (top) and basal application of herbicides on high black walnut stumps. | 35 |
Weed Control in Corn | |
Evaluate weed management systems in field corn in Rochester, MN in 2004. | 37 |
Comparison of single-pass and two-pass sequential management systems for weed control in field corn at Rochester, MN in 2004. | 39 |
Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN common cocklebur site in 2004. | 41 |
Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN tall waterhemp site in 2004. | 43 |
Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN giant ragweed site in 2004. | 45 |
Herbicide performance in corn at Waseca, MN common ragweed site in 2004. | 47 |
Preemergence applied prepackaged and tank-mixture herbicides in corn, Nashua, IA, 2004 | 49 |
Evaluation of preemergence weed control programs in corn. | 52 |
Preemergence weed control in corn. Wanatah, IN, 2004. | 54 |
Evaluation of conventional weed control programs in corn. | 56 |
Reducing adverse impacts of corn pests with conventional management practices and transgenic corn hybrids. | 59 |
Evaluation of glyphosate programs in corn. | 63 |
Comparison of glyphosate programs in field corn at Rochester, MN in 2004. | 67 |
Weed control systems in glyphosate resistant corn, Brownstown, Illinois, 2004. | 69 |
Weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn. | 71 |
Evaluation of soil herbicides in glyphosate-resistant corn. | 74 |
Postemergence application timing in glyphosate-resistant corn. | 77 |
The effect of rate and timing of glyphosate on conventional corn, Urbana, Illinois, 2004. | 79 |
Glyphosate-resistant volunteer soybean control. | 80 |
Performance of glyphosate products when applied under adverse weather conditions in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 81 |
Evaluation of weed control with KIH-485. | 83 |
Evaluation of shattercane control with KIH-485. | 85 |
Preemergence applied KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for weed control in corn, Nashua, IA, 2004. | 86 |
KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for woolly cupgrass control in corn, Ogden, IA, 2004. | 88 |
Preemergence applied KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for weed control in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. | 90 |
KIH-485, s-metolachlor & benoxacor, KIH-485 & atrazine, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor for shattercane control in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. | 92 |
Evaluation of the performance of KIH-485 for weed control in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 94 |
Evaluation of the performance of KIH-485 for weed control in field corn at Rochetser, MN in 2004. | 96 |
KIH-485 preemergence weed control in field corn at Dekalb, Illinois. | 98 |
KIH-485 preemergence weed control in field corn at Perry, Illinois. | 100 |
Isoxaflutole and flufenacet & isoxaflutole for weed control in corn. | 102 |
Preemergence efficacy of KIH-485 on giant foxtail in field corn. | 104 |
Evaluation of foramsulfuron tank mixes in corn. | 107 |
Evaluation of foramsulfuron plus iodosulfuron tank mixes in corn. | 109 |
Comparison of the performance of foramsulfuron and foramsulfuron&iodosulfuron alone and in combination with other herbicides for weed control in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 112 |
Comparison of glufosinate programs in field corn in Rochester, MN in 2004. | 114 |
Weed control systems with atrazine premixes in corn. Urbana, Illinois, 2004. | 116 |
Evaluation of s-metolachlor & atrazine & mesotrione in corn. | 120 |
Weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn with metolachlor and metolachlor & atrazine. | 122 |
Weed control in corn with metolachlor & atrazine and tank mixtures. | 124 |
Weed Control in Soybean | |
Evaluation of conventional weed control programs in soybeans. | 126 |
Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN giant ragweed site in 2004. | 128 |
Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN common ragweed site in 2004. | 130 |
Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN common cocklebur site in 2004. | 132 |
Herbicide performance in soybeans at Waseca, MN tall waterhemp site in 2004. | 134 |
Preemergence applied alachlor, pendimethalin, flumioxazin, chlorimuron & sulfentrazone, and cloransulam followed by postemergence glyphosate applications in soybean, Ames, IA, 2004. | 136 |
Evaluation of glyphosate programs in soybeans. | 139 |
Comparison of sequential two-pass and single-pass herbicide systems with glyphosate and conventional herbicide programs for weed control in soybean at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 142 |
Evaluation of herbicide combinations for weed control in soybean at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 144 |
The effect of variety, planting date, and weed height on weed control and grain yield of glyphosate resistant soybeans. | 146 |
Interaction of soybean fungicides and insecticides with glyphosate. | 152 |
Comparison of pendimethalin programs and glyphosate products for weed control in soybean at Rochester, MN in 2004. | 154 |
Evaluation of volunteer glyphosate resistant corn control in glyphosate resistant soybeans. | 157 |
Control of volunteer glyphosate resistant corn in glyphosate resistant soybean. | 159 |
Common lambsquarters control in soybeans with various glyphosate formulations. | 161 |
Comparison of V-10137 with other graminicides in soybean. | 163 |
Evaluation of the performance of clethodim formulations for woolly cupgrass control in soybean at Rochester, MN in 2004. | 165 |
Evaluation of clethodim formulations in combination with thifensulfuron for wild proso millet and common lambsquarters control in soybean at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 166 |
Weed Control in Reduced Tillage Corn | |
Weed control in no-till corn. | 168 |
Two pass systems including applications of early preplant and preemergence followed by postemergence for weed control in no-tillage corn production, Ames, IA, 2004. | 171 |
Winter annual weed control with fall and spring applied herbicides. | 176 |
Winter annual weed control in glyphosate resistant corn. | 178 |
Carfentrazone and glyphosate applied postemergence for weed control in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. | 181 |
Preemergence s-metolachlor & benoxacor, MANA-282, MANA-283, and s-metolachlor & atrazine & benoxacor applied alone and followed by postemergence applications of glyphosate in corn, Ames, IA, 2004. | 183 |
Spring treatments for dandelion control in corn. Woodburn, IN, 2004. | 186 |
Fall and spring treatments for dandelion control in corn. Woodburn, IN, 2003-2004. | 188 |
Glyphosate-resistant horseweed control in corn with late postemergence treatments. Butlerville, IN, 2004. | 190 |
Weed Control in Reduced Tillage Soybean | |
Weed control in no-till soybeans. | 192 |
Fall applied soybean trial. | 195 |
Postemergence tank-mixture applications of lactofen plus glyphosate in soybean, Ames, IA, 2004. | 200 |
Influence of application timing for star-of-Bethlehem control. | 202 |
Glyphosate-resistant horseweed control in soybean with late postemergence treatments. Butlerville, IN, 2004. | 204 |
Fall and spring treatments for dandelion control in soybean. Woodburn, IN, 2003-2004. | 206 |
Spring treatments for dandelion control in soybean. Woodburn, IN, 2004. | 208 |
Dandelion control timing study with glyphosate and 2,4-D. Woodburn, IN, 2003-2004. | 210 |
Burndown evaluation of white campion in no-till soybeans. | 212 |
Herbicide Application Methods and Adjuvants | |
Adjuvants rate based on spray volume and area of coverage. | 214 |
Evaluation of manganese (Mn) rate on glyphosate antagonism. | 215 |
Evaluation of weed control with manganese (Mn) fertilizer products plus glyphosate in soybean. | 217 |
Evaluation of spray adjuvants and deposition aids on glyphosate performance in field corn at Rochester, MN in 2004. | 219 |
Effect of glyphosate rate, timing, and micro-nutrient addititve on common lambsquarters. | 221 |
Performance of nicosulfuron&rimsulfuron plus mesotrione tank mixed with different additives for weed control in field corn at Potsdam, MN in 2004. | 223 |